Reflections on a Capitol Invasion

Understand that white supremacy will ALWAYS align itself with white supremacy unless white supremacy openly shames white supremacy and attacks something that white supremacy holds dear (i.e., property, ideologies, institutions, and symbols).

Chioma K Iheanacho
2 min readJan 11, 2021

When this happens, all efforts will move towards protecting the ego of white supremacy by protecting its reputation.

How does this play out?
· Shock of the event
· Denial of what it really was/is
· Outrage at the affront
· Refusal to call itself into full accountability
· Blaming anything other than itself

Laying accusation at the very feet of those it oppresses, white supremacy will never acknowledge the harm that it has done.

White supremacy is a Corporation.
It will always be most consumed with presenting a pristine image of itself, disregarding the muck and mire it has created, with all externalities absorbed by others.

Because white supremacy is the embodiment of a psychopath.

Storming the Capitol is not a case of extremism — it is white supremacy in all of its glory.

The act was not a mistake. It was intentional, and it was also not a single case of a particular rogue group. They were not coerced, nor were they unduly influenced by their great leader — they were emboldened.

This is what is manifested when this type of arrogance is left unchecked. It is not about conspiracy theories — this is about the practices of white supremacy.

Over 74 million Americans made their voices heard through their vote in the 2020 elections, despite the horrors made clear in 2020. What has been on display in recent events is simply a manifestation of the belief systems and ideologies they hold dear.

To my Black brothers, sisters, and all allies, do not allow history to be rewritten! Keep the truth alive by telling the whole truth of this moment in our conversations and history books and keep it going.

To the media, stop giving the terrorists and their leaders a mic!!!
You validate their ignorance by amplifying their voices.

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King

The absolute refusal of America to acknowledge past and current acts, systems, malfeasances, brutalities, and injustices all while insisting, proclaiming, and supporting the undeserved reputation of American greatness, democracy, and superiority will continue to lead to more terrifying moments that we experienced last year, centuries past, and again this year.

America does not need a resurrection or restoration of its image; it needs a new face and a heart transplant.



Chioma K Iheanacho

After a lifetime spent in Corporate America, I’m finding the freedom to voice my stories. May your life be enhanced or positively transformed, by what I share.